Techland ha decidido mover la fecha de lanzamiento de su título apocalíptico de zombis Dying Light, hasta el año entrante, de la fecha que tenían para la primavera de este año en PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, y Xbox One.
Mencionan que la nueva fecha les permitirá asegurarse de que puedan realizar totalmente la visión de un juego de mundo abierto innovador. “Creemos que el elemento de Movimiento Natural de nuestro juego cambiará lo que esperan del genero, y no queremos sacrificar nada de su potencial al lanzarlo muy pronto. Esta forma de pensar enfocada en la calidad determina todas nuestras decisiones de desarrollo y esperas que compartan nuestra creencia de que el gameplay siempre debe de estar primero”.
Agregan que a partir de la E3 2014 de este junio, estarán compartiendo más información sobre las características del juego. Mientras tanto pueden ver estos 12 minutos de gameplay del título, que Techland compartió el año pasado.
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Dying Light – Release Timing Announcement
Dear Gamers,
We know you’ve been waiting on a Dying Light release date for quite some time now. After careful consideration, we have decided to release our upcoming game in February 2015. Since this means Dying Light will launch a few months later than originally planned, we feel obliged to explain the reasons that influenced this important decision.
When we started the development of Dying Light, we were committed to innovation. We wanted to give you a freedom of movement unprecedented in open-world games. After many improvements and months of hard work, we have now come so close to realizing our initial vision we feel we cannot stop before it is ready.
We believe the Natural Movement element of our game will change what you expect from the genre, and we don’t want to sacrifice any of its potential by releasing too early. This quality-focused thinking underlines all our development choices and we hope you share our belief that the gameplay must always come first.
The new date ensures that we can fully realize our vision of an innovative open-world game. We won’t need to make compromises or trade-offs on any of the five platforms we’re working on. For you, it means an outstanding, original game that makes the wait more than worthwhile.
Finally, we would like to thank our publishing partner, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, which fully supports our decision. It’s a real pleasure to work in an environment where quality is universally accepted as the top priority. We believe that this is the only way to make truly incredible games.
We also have an additional announcement for you: starting next month at E3 2014, we’ll be telling you much more about all the exciting features and different aspects of Dying Light. Stay tuned!