Airmech Arena arranca beta cerrada en Xbox 360 la próxima semana

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El RTS free-to-play AirMech Arena de Carbon Games, tiene ya las suscripciones abiertas para aquellos que quieran participar en su beta cerrada que inicia la semana entrante.

Los interesados pueden ir a y registrarse, la beta empieza el próximo 23 de julio e incluirá todas las características de la versión final de AirMech, como campaña en solitario, y multijugador competitivo y cooperativo. La mecánica de juego en AirMech es controlar a un robot transformable, capturar bases para construir armadas, y vencer a los contrarios destruyendo o conquistando su bases.

El apartado multijugador de AirMech requiere de Xbox Live Gold, y como todo buen free-to-play tendrá microtransacciones. Y sí, también es un MOBA.





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Sign Up Today for the July 23 Closed Beta

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — July 16, 2014 — Today, Ubisoft® and Carbon Games announced that AirMech® Arena, the fast-paced real-time strategy game, free to play* for all Xbox Live accounts on the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, will have a closed beta starting July 23. Players interested in participating can sign up now at

The closed beta will include all of the features slated for release with the full game, including single-player, multiplayer cooperative and multiplayer competitive gameplay for teams of two to three players. Teamwork is vital to succeed in multiplayer and co-op as players must work together to defend their fortresses against an onslaught of relentless enemies.

In AirMech Arena, players command giant transforming robots that fight to capture and protect bases while building colossal armies to take on waves of enemies. As players conquer fortresses, they unlock powerful units, pilots, items and AirMechs and can customize their armies to fit their personal gameplay preferences.

Please visit and follow on Twitter @AirMechArena.

For the latest on all of Ubisoft’s games, please visit

*Additional in-game content available and sold separately. For multiplayer modes on Xbox, Xbox Live Gold membership (sold separately) required.

