Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 estará disponible en febrero de 2014

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Konami recorrió la fecha de lanzamiento de Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 al próximo año, ahora la última parte de esta trilogía de MercurySteam estará disponible el 25 de febrero en Norteamérica América, el 27 en Europa y el 28 de febrero en el Reino Unido. Lo cual no es de sorprender, dada la noticia de hace unos días del lanzamiento para consolas de la versión HD de Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate y el paquete que incluirá a este junto con la primera entrega en la saga, Mirror of Fate HD brindará acceso a la demo de Lords of Shadow 2.

Mientras tanto, pueden contemplar estás nuevas imágenes lanzadas desde la Gamescom mientras.

[Update: El comunicado para México confirma que también estará disponible en  Sudamérica el 25 de feb. ]




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Dracula Rises in February
KONAMI dates Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 for US, Europe and UK

Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. has used the annual gamescom event to announce that its heralded Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 will be released for PlayStation®3, Xbox 360® and Windows PC on February 25th in the US, across Europe on February 27th, and in the UK on February 28th.Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is the sequel to 2010’s hugely acclaimed resurrection of the vampiric series, and builds on its critically acclaimed predecessor in every way. Following extensive consultation with Castlevania’s enviable fan base, the sequel expands upon the acclaimed epic with a new storyline, villains and visuals. It also boasts a wealth of key additions that will provide a more open world and immersive experience, as players assume the role of Dracula, who has been resurrected in the present day and charged with defeating a powerful threat as old as time itself…

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 picks up where the first game shockingly concluded, with Dracula in modern times weakend and yearning for release from his immortal bonds. Zobek his old ally makes him an offer in return for his help against Satan who is returning to the world to bring about the apocalypse and settle an old score for his defeat all those years ago.

The world of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 breaks new ground for the series, offering for the first time a truly open play area, which can be freely explored. Despite its modern setting, the game’s city shows a Gothic legacy that harks back to Dracula’s past, and is inhabited by a varied menagerie of Satan’s hordes. Players can freely wander the city, returning to previously explored areas as they accrue new abilities, while an all-new fully moveable camera allows users to pan around as they explore, highlighting the wonderful art direction the series is famous for.

The central combat elements have also been thoroughly enhanced, with the addition of a Void Sword that is used to steal life force from stricken foes, and Chaos Claws that can smash through even the strongest protection. These also tie in with Dracula’s ability to strengthen his powers using the blood of his foes, allocating the resources he collects to build up specific skill attributes. Thus, from his weakened state, the player can determine the attributes that will assist him in his quest.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 marks the conclusion of KONAMI and MercurySteam’s grand story, and is a suitably epic tale of evil and redemption. Every aspect of the game is bigger, bolder and deeper than its predecessor, while the scale of the game expands not just in terms of the sprawling city that Dracula explores, but within a quest that features more complex Titan battles; a wider range of foes, each necessitating a particular strategy to defeat; and an ultimate confrontation with the most heinous of adversaries.

“So now we come to the conclusion of the Castlevania: Lords of Shadowstory,” said Dave Cox, Producer on the title and Studio Head of European Production at Konami Digital Entertainment. “As such, we have gone all-out to create a fitting climax to one of the most warmly-welcomed series resurrections to date. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is bigger, more epic and more challenging – and tells a tale that will live on in video game lore forever.”

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 will be released for PlayStation®3, Xbox 360® and Windows PC in the US on February 25th, across Europe on February 27th, and in the UK on February 28th

