Después de casi dos décadas la secuela de Carmageddon llegará a Steam

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Tras lograr su meta en Kickstarter hace dos años y obtener fondos adicionales el año pasado, Stainless Games lanzará en Steam Early Access Carmageddon: Reincarnation, el cual es la secuela al ya clásico Carmageddon lanzado hace 17 años.

El juego estará disponible en Early Access a partir del 27 de marzo, pero aquellos que respaldaron al título en Kickstarter podrán jugarlo dos semanas antes. Esta versión de Carmageddon: Reincarnation se encontrará en fase alfa, y quienes no hayan participado en la campaña de Kickstarter, podrán obtener el juego en Early Access por $30 USD.

“Esta vez pudimos hacer finalmente lo que queríamos hacer hace 17 años. Más sangre era la cosa importante. Ríos de hígados — es lo que queríamos. Ser un desarrollador y editora al mismo tiempo significa que podemos ser estúpidos. Estúpidos propia y profesionalmente”. — Patrick Bucklan Cofundador y CEO de Stainless Games.



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Carmageddon: Reincarnation to launch as an Early Access release on Steam!

Blood, Laughs, Amazing Pile-ups and more Cows than ever!

Friday, 28th February 2014. Isle of Wight, UK. Stainless Games announces that on the 27th of March 2014, fans who have been waiting for what has seemed an eternity (but is actually a mere 17 years) will finally be able to play the sequel to the original “points for pedestrians” car smash carnage-fest Carmageddon, as the Early Access release of Carmageddon: Reincarnation launches on Steam.

From the 27th of March 2014, the legion of long time Carmageddon fans, plus lovers of excess virtual violence everywhere will get to wreak havoc, pain and hilarity once more. This Early Access release is a milestone, as it marks the beginning of a new era in the Carmageddon story. Kickstarter Backers will be able to get behind the wheel two weeks before the Steam Early Access release.

The resulting game (which is now at the Pre-Alpha phase) has even more laughs, more bodily fluids, more thrills, more smashes and more… cows than ever.

“It’s brilliant to see our demonic baby rise screaming from the grave,” said Patrick Buckland, co-founder and CEO of Stainless Games and creative genius behind Carmageddon, “This time we could finally do the stuff that we wanted to do 17 years ago. More blood was the main thing. Rivers of livers – that’s what we wanted. Being publisher as well as developer means we get to be stupid. Properly, professionally stupid. And this game is stupider than Jupiter. I mean  really  silly – but in a good way. Nobody else makes games that make you cry with laughter – but we do. And did I mention the livers?”

Neil ‘Nobby’ Barnden, co-founder, Brand Director and “the other one” behind the original Carmageddon, added: “Blood and laughs. Amazing pile-ups. Awesome PowerUps. Insane… Insanity. The team is fantastic, the love we have for the title shines through, and even though the game is still pre-alpha it’s a bloody hoot to play!”

Previously having had tremendous success resurrecting the original title for mobile devices (with over 3 million copies downloaded to iOS and Android devices in the year since it was launched), this PC Steam version is an all-new endeavour that the team (including most of the team who made the 1997 original) has been working on for over two years. It started as a self-funded project with a skeleton team, was then part-funded by a highly successful Kickstarter Campaign in 2012 and further investment in 2013 from one of the company shareholders Les Edgar.[/pane]
