El DLC Messenger of Purgatory, agrega tres nuevas misiones al juego de estrategia por turnos Space Hulk en las cuales los jugadores deben recobrar los restos del Captain Atarius. Full Control menciona que la nueva actualización además de agregar las misiones, contiene varios arreglos y mejoras al gameplay, como la opción de acelerar las animaciones de caminar, pueden ver la lista de cambios en esta liga.
“Quisimos dar a la comunidad un gran ‘gracias’ por el formidable apoyo que nos han mostrado, a lo largo de la primera etapa de lanzamiento, y que creemos que los fans realmente amarán la campaña Messenger of Purgatory. Esta actualización del juego aborda muchas de las peticiones y sugerencias de los fans, las cuales continúan perfeccionando y refinando la experiencia de Space Hulk”. — Thomas Hentschel CEO de Full Control.
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New Campaign Accompanies Bug Fixes and Tweaks Based on Community Feedback
Copenhagen, Denmark – October 7, 2013 – Danish development studio Full Control today announced the launch of the brand new “Messenger of Purgatory” campaign for Space Hulk, the 3D digital turn based strategy game based on the best-selling board game and set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. The “Messenger of Purgatory” campaign features three missions, challenging players to retrieve the remains of the fallen Captain Atarius. The update also includes a huge number of bug fixes and gameplay improvements, including the option to speed up walk animations. “Messenger of Purgatory” is a free campaign for all Windows and Mac users. For more information on the new campaign and patch update, visit: http://steamcommunity.com/app/242570/discussions/0/864976115510136253/
“We wanted to give the community a big ‘thank you’ for the wonderful support they have shown, through the first stage of launch, and we think that fans will really love the Messenger of Purgatory campaign”, said Thomas Hentschel Lund, CEO of Full Control. “This game update addresses many of the fan requests and suggestions that continue to hone and refine the experience of Space Hulk”.
To purchase a digital copy of Space Hulk visit the official site at: http://www.spacehulk-game.com/ or to purchase via digital distribution service Steam please visit: http://store.steampowered.com/app/242570/[/pane]