El DLC Ink Hunt para Van Helsing 2 ya está disponible

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Neocore lanzó durante estos días en Steam, el primer DLC para The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II, el cual agrega cuatro nuevas áreas para explorar. 

Las áreas que incluye Ink Hunt son; Sactuary, Island of Bones, Ikheart Mines, y Crystal Bastion, las cuales Van Helsing deberá recorrer para descubrir al responsable de abrir una puerta etérea en su escondite. El DLC tiene un costo de $5 USD en Steam, y pueden ver algo de gameplay de las nuevas áreas en el video debajo.




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Van Helsing II: Ink Hunt DLC Released on Steam

Including four unique maps with a strong central storyline

Budapest, Hungary – June 13, 2014 – Fellow Hunters! On this ominous Friday the 13th you are invited to enter the dark material of creation and dreams, known as the Ink by many. Legends say it was used to write the world into being at the dawn of time. Face new challenges in  Van Helsing II: Ink Hunt, now available on Steam for $4.99, while discovering the four new areas and the secrets they hide:

A gothic town of human refugees, plagued by monsters, haunted by its own reflection where no one can enter, but it’s always too close.

Island of Bones
The place where legendary creatures went to die ages ago. Now it’s a trap and a prison, where mortals suffer in the hands of the monstrous Collector.

Inkheart Mines
A secret industrial plant in the Ink, the source of a rare mineral and a dangerous infection.

Crystal Bastion
An untainted part of the Ink, ruled by someone or something that was slumbering for a very long time… but now it’s awake.

About Van Helsing II: Ink Hunt: The civil war is barely over in Borgovia and Van Helsing has a new problem to solve. When a strange ethereal gate opens in his secret underground maze, he must enter the realms beyond the veil of the world to find out what is happening and hunt down those who are responsible for this new threat.

