The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II se aproxima a su nueva fecha de lanzamiento, la cual será exactamente en dos semanas, y para ir poniendo el ambiente, Neocore tiene listo un nuevo video detallando las nuevas características que el título ofrecerá sobre su antecesor, así como las que están de regreso.
Para está segunda entrega en la serie Van Helsing, podrán comandar ha tres capitanes enviándolos a misiones, las cuales una vez completadas ofrecerán experiencia y botín. El sistema de minijuegos de defensa por torre esta de regreso, mejorado con “nuevas mecánicas de combate” y con siete niveles presentados como misiones alternas.
Al sistema de personalización de armas se ha agregado el uso de runas para obtener más mejoras de las armas y crear nuevas. Adicional al fantasma Lady Katarina que desde el título pasado acompaña a Van Helsing, ahora se podrá convocar en comabte a una bestia llamada La Chimera, o bien mandarla en búsqueda de tesoros.
Pueden conocer más de las características de The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II en el nuevo video, el título saldrá el 22 de mayo en PC vía Steam para Mac y Windows, en donde actualmente se encuentra en preventa.
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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II key features:
- Three playable classes – In the sequel to this gothic-noir adventure, players can choose from three very different classes: the classic Hunter with shooting and melee skills, the magic-wielding Thaumaturge or the Arcane Mechanic, the master of deadly devices, all included in the base game.
- Hunter’s Lair – The Lair returns in the sequel as the perfect hideout for players to stash collected loot, trade with non-playable characters, teleport between locations, forge new items, utilize the alchemy lab and accept new quests from allies who join the resistance against the scientific scourge.
- Extended tower defense mini-game – With enemies invading in waves, players have the opportunity to defend their Hunter’s Lair and other strategic locations with deployable traps and several upgradable functions to ward off evil, now with improved gameplay mechanics and up to 7 levels presented as optional side quests.
- Resistance management – As the leaders of the Borgovian Resistance, players will participate in the micromanagement of the allied troops, improve the equipment of the Resistance fighters or find loot that makes them more powerful.
- Rage system – Enabling players to charge up to three skill modifiers called Power Ups on 8 active skills by way of spending Rage points collected from impressive feats.
- Unique companion system – Lady Katarina, a ghost with snappy wit, comes to the support of Van Helsing with her own set of abilities, behaviors, and two skill trees.
- Fragmentation system – Besides forging, enchanting and infusing items with essences, players now have another option to alter items to their liking. Artifacts can be taken apart, shattered into magical fragments. The process generates a basic shard, and then the enchantments also dissolve into separate fragments. Fragments can be turned into purely magical runes that can be altered and put on new items, changing them into various new powerful artifacts.
- The Beast in the Lair – The Chimera is a unique creature, an artificial monster straight from the Ink that players will find during their adventures, claim as theirs, enhance its abilities and summon it into combat or send away to the Ink to hunt for treasure.
- Hall of Trophies – Players can decorate their Lair with trophies that give global modifiers to the game world, like empowering monsters, granting more spellpower to all allies or turning Katarina into a more lethal ghost.
- Multiplayer – Allowing players to test their skills against each other via the PVP mode (8 players) or join their forces and complete the story in the co-operative campaign (4 players).
Eager Hunters of Borgovia who can’t wait till May 22nd (yes sir, that is the release date) to get their hands on the game can head to, where they can also pre-purchase the game, choose from the various supporter packages in various price ranges and get instant access to the Closed Beta (for Windows PC) that offers several exciting levels to challenge the best Hunters in Borgovia.