La actualización 1.05 de The Last of Us y el nuevo DLC Abandoned Territories ya están disponibles

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El primer DLC para The Last of Us llega acompañado del la actualización 1.05 para el juego, las cuales aparecerán en la PS Store una vez que esta se actualice en cada territorio.

Abandoned Territories es un paquete de mapas para el multijugador y parte del paquete de temporada que Naughty Dog detalló hace unas semanas. Puede ser adquirido individualmente por $10 USD o vía el pase de temporada por $20 USD, el cual solo estará disponible por tiempo limitado.

Dado que la nueva actualización realiza bastantes cambios al título, Naughty Dog decidió brincarse hasta la versión 1.05, aunque en si todos los cambios están enfocados al multijugador como arreglos a la consistencia en la que aparecen las prefabricadas y agregar bonificaciones de partes a los jugadores que se unan a una partida ya iniciada.

En el siguiente video los desarrolladores de Naughty Dog hablan sobre las actualizaciones que brinda el parche 1.05, y pueden encontrar la lista de cambios debajo del video.


Abandoned Territories Map Pack DLC 

  • DLC playlist added for each game type.  This includes both the retail maps and the DLC maps, but the DLC maps should appear much more frequently in the vote.


  • Fixed an issue where players on the winning team would occasionally get fully crafted items or machetes from caches, while players on the losing team would get incorrect items.
  • Players should no longer get comeback weapons (pre-crafted molotovs / bombs / purchase weapons) when they are winning by more than a small margin.
  • Fixed the consistency of comeback weapons spawning – there should be less comeback weapons in close matches and more consistent spawning in severely unbalanced matches. Once a player receives comeback weapons, however, they will not receive them again until a certain amount of progress has occurred in the match.
  • 2×4 Spawning logic has been adjusted in Supply Raid and Interrogation:
    • Fixed a bug where it would occasionally be impossible for a player to receive a 2×4 in a game.
    • Reworked the initial 2×4 spawning logic to make the first 2×4 spawn a bit later to balance the escalation of the match.
    • Lowered the overall number of potential 2x4s that could spawn in a match by including weighting based on match progress.
  • The additional hit on modded melee weapons has been moved from Brawler Level 1 to Level 2, and the health gain from melee hits moved from Level 2 to 1.
  • Added a Parts bonus for late joiners, based on when you join a match in progress. This bridges the gap between players who started from the beginning of the game and might have a Parts advantage over the late joiner.
  • When late-joining beyond the first 2 minutes that match will no longer count towards any clan progress or missions.
  • Fixed an issue on Checkpoint and Lakeside that had locations where some items could not be picked up.
  • Made a fix to prevent players from being able to climb the tilted flag pole on the High School map.
  • Fixed an issue with level graphics dropping out on The Dam.

Interrogation Mode Fixes

  • Games no longer end in ties unless both teams are on the same section of the unlocking process.  If one team has more interrogations than the other, that team will win the match.
  • The additional parts bonus for winning by a large margin is only awarded when the lockbox is fully unlocked.  Otherwise only the standard win bonus is awarded.
  • Killcard now correctly describes whether your character was executed or interrogated.
  • Fire on the ground (from a Molotov) now damages the player when they attempt to unlock the lockbox and will properly interrupt the unlock process.
  • Sounds have been added to the Interrogation animation
  • Fixed a bug where the end-of-match music was not playing in Interrogation mode.

Technical Fixes

  • Intro speech should no longer occasionally be heard twice at the start of the game
  • A flashing exclamation mark will be shown on DLC option for when new items are added


  • Tweaks to a couple of art assets in the game.

That’s just the start as we’re already working on the next patch. For now, hop online, enjoy the new maps and let’s all endure and survive. See you online!