Lo nuevo de Crytek ¿un MOBA?

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Crytek anunció el día de hoy su nuevo título Arena of Fate para consolas y PC, el cual estará a cargo del estudio Sofía anteriormente llamado Black Sea Studios, y que Crytek adquiriera en 2008.

Arena of Fate es descrito como un título que ofrecerá batallas rápidas de 5 vs. 5, en el que los personajes serán personajes históricos famosos, y de novelas y cuentos, como Juana de Arco, Robin Hood,Tesla y Caperucita Roja. Arena of Fate bien puede ser dos cosas, un battle royal a la Smash Bros., o un MOBA, y con eso que hoy en día parece que cada desarrolladora tiene su propio termino para referirse a los MOBA, podríamos encontrarnos con un híbrido excéntrico.

El juego será mostrado durante la E3 que ya está a la vuelta de la esquina, y Crytek planea poner el juego en Steam Early Access en el verano. El equipo de Black Sea/Sofia tiene experiencia en títulos de estrategia y RPG con Knights of Honor, y World Shift, por lo que un MOBA no sería algo tan ajeno al estudio. Pueden aplicar para la beta en www.arenaoffate.com.



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History’s greatest heroes clash in “Arena of Fate” – a brand new IP from Crytek
London, UK – May 22, 2014 – Step into the shoes of legendary heroes from history and fantasy and lock horns in “Arena of Fate”; an action-packed online multiplayer game coming to PC and consoles soon from Crytek.Featuring fast-paced 5 vs. 5 battles, Arena of Fate expands Crytek’s range of Games-as-a-Service, and will be playable for the first time at this year’s E3 expo in Los Angeles. Players will be free to choose from a huge roster of famous characters before engaging in star-studded skirmishes with fresh gameplay twists.

Among the iconic figures in Arena of Fate are the likes of Frankenstein, Jack the Ripper and Baron Münchhausen. Tap into their famed traits in battle as you bring Frankenstein back from the dead, use Jack’s cleavers to gruesome effect, and launch across the map on Baron Münchhausen’s cannonball!

Managing Director of Crytek Black Sea and Game Director of Arena of Fate, Vesselin Handjiev, said: “Imagine Joan of Arc and Robin Hood cooperating to hunt down Little Red Riding Hood – Wouldn’t that be terrific? But besides the game’s iconic heroes, which everyone in the team really loves, we are also challenging ourselves to carefully craft a streamlined player experience that allows for both greater accessibility, and rich, deep, action-packed gameplay. We are very excited to meet the first wave of players in the arena this summer, and will be listening carefully to the feedback we receive and making the community’s contribution a key part of our efforts to perfect the fun.”

The game is being developed by Crytek’s Sofia studio, which was established in 2008 following Crytek’s acquisition of Black Sea Studios. Originally founded in 2001, Black Sea Studios made their name with critically acclaimed real-time strategy game “Knights of Honor” and sci-fi online RTS/RPG hybrid, “WorldShift”.

Arena of Fate is scheduled to enter Early Access Beta testing on PC this Summer and players can sign up for a chance to get in on the action at www.arenaoffate.com. E3 attendees are invited to go hands-on with the PC version of the game from June 10-12 by visiting Crytek at booth 4500 in the Los Angeles Convention Center.

