Quan Chi estará en Mortal Kombat X

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Quan Chi es el nuevo peleador en ser revelado para Mortal Kombat X, quien se suma a los clásicos Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Raiden y Kano. 

Shaun Himmerick, Productor Ejecutivo en NetherRealm Studios, nos da una muestra de las habilidades de Quan Chi durante una confrontación con Kano. Las variantes de Quan Chi son Sorcerer, Warlock, y Summoner, cada una con su respectiva habilidad; invocar hechizos, crear portales, e invocar un criatura, respectivamente.

Morta Kombat X está contemplado para salir el 14 de abril de 2015 en PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, y Xbox 360.





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Mortal Kombat X™ – The Villainous Quan Chi Returns!

Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and NetherRealm Studios announced tattooed sorcerer Quan Chi as the latest character to be confirmed for the expanding roster of Mortal Kombat X , the next installment in the critically acclaimed fighting game franchise.  Quan Chi joins the list of Mortal Kombat X  fighters revealed to date:  Fan favourites Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kano and Raiden; newcomers Cassie Cage, D’Vorah, Ferra/Torr, and Kotal Kahn; as well as Goro, who is available as a retail channel-wide pre-order character.

Narrated by Shaun Himmerick, executive producer at NetherRealm Studios, the new video showcases Quan Chi’s return in Mortal Kombat X , as he utilizes powerful magic and expert cunning to destroy all who stand in his way. Witness him casting spells on opponents with his Sorcerer variation, open dark portals with the Warlock variation and conjure a beast from the NetherRealm to fight by his side with his Summoner variation.

