Space Hulk recibe nuevo modo cooperativo y nueva campaña

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Esta semana Space Hulk de Full Control recibió una actulización gratuita a lo largo de las plataformas en las que está disponible, que añade un nuevo modo en línea además de algunas otras optimizaciones. También recibió un nuevo DLC de paga que agrega una nueva campaña.

El modo cooperativo permite el juego entre cuatro jugadores, donde tres jugadores controlarán cada uno un equipo de terminators, mientras que el cuarto jugador controlará a los Genestealer. Y nuevo contenido descargable Harbinger of Torment — por ahora solo disponible en PC — saca provecho de esta actulización al multijugador, ya que está diseñado específicamente para co-op de cuatro jugadores. El DLC con cinco nuevas misiones, lo pueden descargar desde Steam por $5 USD.




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‘Space Hulk’ Gets Loaded with new Cooperative Mode and Introduces ‘Harbinger of Torment’ Campaign

Full Control Introduce Complete Overhaul of Multiplayer Mode and Releases New Five-Mission Campaign

Copenhagen, Denmark — May 20, 2014 — Danish independent studio Full Control today announced that Space Hulk now includes cooperative play mode, as part of the latest free game patch that also has a number of updates and bug fixes. The patch also coincides with the new campaign ‘Harbinger of Torment’ which is now available for PC, Mac and Linux. Space Hulk is the digital adaptation of the classic Games Workshop board-game, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and is available on PC, Mac, Linux and iPad,

“We are excited to release the new co-op mode in Space Hulk. It’s been in development  for several months now, as we made a complete overhaul of the multiplayer mode to make it a seamless experience so players can easily jump into a co-op game”, said Thomas Hentschel Lund, CEO of Full Control. “In honor of launching co-op we are also releasing a new five-mission campaign, ‘Harbinger of Torment’, that is now available to Windows, Mac and Linux players”.

Players can now challenge friends, in up to 4-player co-op battles where three gamers each control a squad of terminators and one player controls the Genestealers. To support co-op gameplay, Full Control has given multiplayer a complete overhaul and is introducing a lobby system where players can see other gamers who are online and ready to play. The new co-op functionality is free with Space Hulk, so all players need to do is log in, visit the new lobby and play.

About the Harbinger of Torment Campaign

As the Space Hulk, the Harbinger of Torment, emerged from the warp it was discovered to be on a collision course with the planet Baal. Several attempts were made to change course, but all failed. A team of the Imperium’s finest warriors is sent to the Harbinger of Torment to try and reverse the engines or stop them altogether. Failure is not an option. Harbinger of Torment has been specially designed for 4 player co-op and is now available for PC, Mac and Linux on Steam.

You can purchase Harbinger of Torment on Steam for $4,99/€4.99/£3.99

