Petroglyph está de regreso con el RTS Grey Goo

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Fuera de Star Wars: Empire at War y Universe at War: Earth Assault, Petroglyph no ha tenido muchos aciertos recientemente, incluyendo una fallida campaña en Kickstarter para el título Victory hace un año y su salida del desarrollo de End of Nations. Pero parece que la desarrolladora está en vías de retomar glorias pasadas con su nuevo RTS Grey Goo, que será publicado por Grey Box este año en PC.

De acuerdo a Petroglyph, Grey Goo brindará nueva vida a los RTS, al fusionar mecánicas establecidas con herramientas modernas de diseño y tecnología para crear una experiencia de estrategia, reflexiva y estimulante. Agregan que el juego extrae los mejores aspectos de la costrucción de edificios, manejo de unidades,  y el combate, eliminando la frustración y tedio asociado al genero.

“Grey Goo ha sido una verdadera labor de amor para nosotros desde hace ya un tiempo, y estamos increíblemente emocionados de poder hablar de el finamente. Tenemos una extensa y rica trayectoria como desarrolladores de RTS, yendo atrás hasta nuestra época en el Command & Conquer original en Westwood Studios. Queremos traer de vuelta algo de lo que hizo a esos RTS tradicionales grande al tiempo que abordamos todas las lecciones que hemos aprendido a lo largo del camino”. — Ted Morris Productor Ejecutivo en Petroglyph.

El título trendrá tres facciones; los Beta, Humanos y Goo. Habrá una inmersa campaña en solitario y multijugador competitivo. La AI estudiará y reaccionará a las acciones de los jugadores, en vez de estar basada en acciones predeterminadas.

Grey Goo saldrá durante el otoño para PC en Steam.




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Petroglyph announces ‘Grey Goo’, a modern RTS with traditional roots

Veteran developer set to evolve the genre with inspiration from its past

Las Vegas, Nevada – March 13, 2014 – Award-winning, independent videogame developer Petroglyph, in conjunction with publishing partner Grey Box, today announcedGrey Goo™, an all-new real-time strategy (RTS) game set for release this fall on PC. Grey Goo breathes new life into the RTS genre by blending classic, established gameplay mechanics and tropes with modern design tools and technology to create a thoughtful, exhilarating strategy experience.

Grey Goo has been a real labor of love for us for some time now, and we’re incredibly excited to finally start talking about it,” said Ted Morris, Executive Producer at Petroglyph. “We have a rich, lengthy background as RTS developers, dating all the way back to our time on the original Command & Conquer™ at Westwood Studios. We want to bring back some of what made those ‘traditional’ RTS games great while addressing all the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Grey Goo is an experience informed by the collective history of the RTS genre, infused with innovative ideas and a forward-thinking spirit that accomplish something original by incorporating new amalgams for the genre.”

Petroglyph is bringing decades of combined RTS expertise to bear with Grey Goo. The game draws on the best aspects of base building, unit management and all-out warfare for an all-new space saga, removing the tedium and frustration often associated with the genre and focusing on deep, engaging tactical systems modeled on vintage RTS gameplay.

Grey Goo features three distinct factions – the Beta, Humans and Goo – each with its own truly distinctive style, strategies and “epic” units (very powerful, rare combatants that tower over the battlefield). The game features an immersive single-player campaign and competitive multiplayer options. Both single and multiplayer modes require diligent planning and intelligent decision making to capitalize on the sophisticated build tree system and multiple tech upgrades available. Built from the ground up based on real-world Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) concepts, Grey Goo’s adaptive AI studies and reacts to players’ actions, learning rather than running off scripts for a truly unique play experience and near-infinite replay value. In short, every game is different.

Grey Goo is scheduled for release this fall for PC via Steam. For more information,, follow @greygoogame on Twitter, and like Grey Goo Game on Facebook.

